Friday, 19 August 2011

think think think!

Been so busy this week.

The only day yang m tak busy was the day I updated this blog,
which was on Wednesday.

Thursday felt like a Monday and

Friday (today) does not really feel like a Friday

even though I'm writing a post as we speak.

Since the final post in July..
bermacam2 perkara bermain dalam fikiran m,
sekiranya m mulakan proses membuat sabun CP (Cold Processed) tu.
(fuiyoo, berbahasa lak kita!)

To start..
I have to get a good basic recipe,
get my equipments ready
and only then can I start.
m not trying to delay anything
but I need to finish my MP soap first.

I dont know if I'm going to combine a CP and an MP together just yet
so I think might as well I create some MP's first.



time to do more thinking...


Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Sharing is Caring..


when I started this blog, i didnt know whether to write this blog in English or Bahasa, 
since I'm not so fluent in both, (really!) in the end it became a rojak!!

I'm going to try and write this particular blog in English and let's see how this fares..


i m still wondering why I started this blog..

of course there are many things I can share.. 
yes, MANY Many many things I can share ..
that I dont even know where to start!!

i've shared about my luck with my cooking skills which isnt much.   ;)

my attempt to find out what i like to do as a hobby 
and eventually a start in my own business..
some people say dont.
well, i know I've read a blog somewhere that says just that. 
ok, so it's not some people, just someone. 
dont what? dont turn your hobby into a business. 
why? i dont know. 
i think its to avoid hating your hobby 
if the business doesnt turn out so well. perhaps..

a friend suggested that i include the paper clippings that i keep on arts and recipes etc.  
this was on FB, when i updated my status mentioning the clippings 
so she suggested that i do that.
but i cant scan those.. i can snap pictures of it but it will not look nice, 
i doubt that you can even read them. 
and i'm too lazy to get the scanner over and attach it to this computer. 
this is my hubby's desktop. our general desktop is currently OOO 
and my hubby doesnt want to fix it just yet.. o i dont know why, ask him yourself  :p 


i've always liked to do many things with my own hands.. arts, tools, DIY etc
I've heard ayah used the words (not on me, of course) 
"Jack of all trades, but a master of none."
I feel that way..
well, I'm no jack of ALL trades just one or two.
a master at something? nope!

I've tried my hands on the bunga telur (bunga dip/dipped flowers) and 
bunga telur (bunga kertas/paper) when i got married.

Bunga Telur (Bunga Kertas)

the pink ones above are the ones made from coloured paper.

Bunga Telur (Bunga Dip)

 these green+white ones are the bunga dip, i added glitter!  =)
designs are from one of two hantaran (gifts) books I bought.

(Thank you to my hubby for helping me out with the flower petals for the bunga telur (bunga kertas) for the kenduri and to my cousins for helping me out with the bunga telur (bunga dip) for the hantaran during the nikah-solemnisation ceremony.)

this is the best picture i could get on the dipped ones..

this (top) was a picture from the photographer, nice colour ha. so pink!

this (below) is the Pelamin (wedding dais)


Hantaran (Wedding Gifts)

i made my own hantaran for the nikah, a very very very simple display of hantaran. 
the design for the sireh junjung is from a newspaper article, 
the chocolates from a book of hantaran designs, 
i did not bake the cake, i just poked the roses on top of the cake.
the rest is just arrange this, hide this, add this and voila!

i like the dangling chocolates, 
and the cinnamon was from my husbands aunt (she has a cinnamon tree!!)
the base is made from dark chocolate.
so you can practically eat everything except, 
of course the wires, the choc wrappers and the red dipped flowers..

yes, it was the final touchup because the rose dropped off!

 Red and green, not bad ha..  
(these red flowers are the ones my cousins helped to make. 
they stayed up till 2 am, or was it 3, to help me with this. 
i was too shy to ask for help and i thought i could do it all by myself..
shame on me)



made the tiny potpourri centrepiece for the kenduri at Kampung Pengantin.


Glass Art
i tried glass art. it was just a bottle and 4 shot glasses 
(this was supposed to be a present for my hubby's friends' wedding 
but he didnt approve of a handmade pressie for his friend 
so i gave it away to one of my friends. 
well, yes. that's how i interpreted it anyway.)

Made another one, but not as nice as the first. 
and the third one is not yet finished 
(still waiting for my interest on it to blossom, yet again! haha!)

so now, my latest interest is MP. 
not really an interest, but a way to start. 
before i start on my CP.

i cant wait!!! =)

Blogging Made easy.. hmm..


been uploading pictures in my coming post.. 
taking almost 3 hours plus!!
since I have so much to share.. haha  =)

the uploading part i think i can do without.. 
mengambil masa yang terlalu lama. 
there's probably a way to shorten the uploding time, 
by making my pics smaller, byte size, I think... 
dan semestinya size matters!!

m rasa by the time m habis upload pictures, 
m pun dah tak larat nk berblog.. for today that is.. :)

i guess i'd have to create something before i start blogging again..
(imagine me with a very cheeky smile)


like my latest MP soap.. 
I cant wait to tell you all about it!
(over lak font size kan, but m so excited!! wowie!!)

seriously, m dah redo bentuk aloe+VCO MP soap tu. 
(btw, m letak honey sikit dlm MP soap tu, lupa lak nak mention dalam post sebelum ni.)
dah tangkap gambar dah, tinggal nk upload je.. 
sabun pun dah tinggal satu je, yang lain samada sedang digunakan atau dah habis.  =)
abis tu, takkan nak buat perhiasan je kan.. mestilah m guna..

dan recently, 
m ada buat yang baru...
(sambil mengangkat kening dan memberi senyuman yang nakal)
but that will be in a different post..

mana leh cerita semua kat post nih.. 
tak aci laaa..